Friday, 6 November 2015

Refreshing Presentation Catalog GUIDs in OBIEE11g

Error: After migrating the rpd and catalog from dev to prod. unable to login rpd onlinemode.

The process of synchronizing the GUIDs revolves completely around the fact that user identities are stored atomically within the Presentation Catalog, not by username but by a globally unique identifier (GUID). While moving between environments with different identity providers or changes to users within those providers are made, the GUIDs can get out of synchronization. Following this process of GUID synchronization allows the catalog to stay organized.

Two core configuration files NQSConfig.INI and instanceconfig.xml needs to modify to refresh the GUID.

1. Stop obiee services
2. Navigate to <ORACLE_INSTANCE>/config/OracleBIServerComponent/coreapplication_obis1/ and open the NQSConfig.INI file for editing.
3. Locate the text FMW_UPDATE_ROLE_AND_USER_REF_GUIDS parameter andchange its value to YES as follows:
4. Save and close the file.

5. Open the instanceconfig.xml file for editing. This file is located at, <ORACLE_INSTANCE>/config/OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent/coreapplication_obips1/.
6. Locate the Catalog XML element which should contain only theUpgradeAndExit subelement.
7. Add a new subelement to the Catalog element called UpdateAccountGUIDs with a value of UpdateAndExit.
8. Save and close the file.

9. Start all Oracle BI system components.

10. Presentation Services should fail to come up but should not throw any errors. If an error is presented to you in the resulting start-up prompt, you most likely have a syntax error resulting from editing of the configuration files.

11. While the other services are started and the Presentation Services system component is down, open the NQSConfig.INI file again for editing.
13. Save and close the NQSConfig.INI file.
14. Open the instanceconfig.xml file again for editing.
15. Save and close the file.
16. Restart all system components u
17. Once the system components have been started, open the analytics portal using the default URL, http://server_name:9704/analytics/.
18. Login with the WebLogic administrator’s credentials.

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