Friday, 20 November 2015

Redeploy the Java EE ODI Agent in WebLogic

    1. In WLS Console, navigate to Deployments and select oraclediagent from the list. Click on the Delete button at the top of the table to delete the deployment of the oraclediagent enterprise application. Click on Activate Changes.
    2. Still on the Summary of Deployments page, click on Lock and Edit and then click on the Install button.
    3. On the Application Install Assistant, provide the path to the oraclediagent.ear file. This path should be <ODI Home>/setup/manual/oracledi-agent. Select oraclediagent.ear using the radio button displayed:

    1. Click Next. Accept the default selections on the screen:

    1. Click Next. Select the ODI Managed Server as the deployment target:

    1. Click Next. Accept the defaults on the Option settings page:

    1. Click Next. Review the choices and then click Finish.

    1. Click on Activate Changes.
    2. On the Summary of Deployments page, select the oraclediagent enterprise application and then click on the Start button: Servicing All Requests. (Click Lock & Edit, if necessary). 
The oraclediagent should successfully start.

    1. Configure the policy for the ODIInvoke webservice:

    1. Still on the Summary of Deployments page, drill into the OdiInvoke web service. Click on the Configuration Tab and WLS-Policy sub-tab:

    1. Drill into For the ODIInvokeRequestSOAP11Port() service endpoint. On the Configure a WebService Policy page, select the OWSM radio button:

    1. Click Next. Select  “oracle/wss10_saml_token_with_message_protection_service_policy” from Available End Point Policies and move to Chosen End Point Policies. Click Finish.

    1.  Restart the ODI Managed Server from Weblogic Administration Console. See How should I start the BI and ODI Managed Servers? 

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